Career Guidance
The school has dedicated career guidance cell. It is led by Mr. Ashutosh Singh (Manager Administration). Mr. Singh has experience of 15 years of Corporate and academics in various organisations. The students can meet him with a pre appointment in the school office. He can also be reached at [email protected].
Other Teachers in charge are :
For Science Stream :
a) Ms. Dishita Pitroda
b) Mrs. D.N. Parvathi
For Commerce Stream :
a) Siddhartha Prakash Singh
b) Mr. Praveen Kumar
c) CA Vishal Shah, CA (consultant to Commerce Department)
d) CA Ankush Goelchha (Consultant to Commerce Department)
e) CS Suraj Tiwari (Consultant to Holy Hearts Educational Academy)
For Legal Stream :
a) Mrs. Poonam Shetty
b) Mrs. Tasleema Parveen